Welcome to Max Drljic's Portfolio,
place where you can find more about me!
Full-Stack Web Developer • Freelancer
About Me
Hey, my name is Max Drljić, a Beginner Full-Stack Web Developer who is passionate about creating, designing and
optimising websites & web applications.
I am doing Web Development for almost 2 years, which is one of the best decisions I've made. Building new things
and solving problems is what I like, doing something constructive and pushing your mind to the limits.
In that time, I've went from HTML markup language to core programming fundementals and creating logic for web
apps. Also, I did some UX / UI design, logo design, and learning the ways and methods of entrepreneurship.
The most important lesson I've learned is that there is always room to expand and be better at the things you
love. There is no "roadblock" where you can say to yourself: I am done with learning! People, technologies and the
world is constantly changing, we only need to adapt and keep on learning.
Feel free to send me an Email if you have any questions, requests or propositions,
I would be more than happy to talk to you.